Beatnik's Sustainable Fashion Fair
What a blast we had last Tuesday with new and familiar faces alike turning up to our very own fashion fair at Solent University.
Photography by @petticoat.lane on ig
This is was actually a culmination of efforts between Luke Small, a Solent Uni student studying Media Production, who did the majority of the planning, and the Beatnik team.
Photography by @annie_darin_life on ig
@Lucasmon_ approached us mid May to pitch the event, we had previously worked with Lucas alongside a group of other students from Solent to produce a short marketing film for the business. We were impressed with the film & so we jumped on board with the idea of a Beatniks event.
Photography by @lukasmon_, @_darceyrichardson
The event included a selection of stock from from Beatniks, photographers and a modelling competition. We were very happy with the turnout and opportunity to spread the message about Beatniks and the slow fashion movement.
Sas, the creator of the Beatnik Emporium was interviewed by Solent TV student Darcey Richardson;
"(This event is important) for promoting the joy of buying second hand, so many people buy new, we're sort of programmed to buy new but actually second hand is cheaper, usually better quality, the older the better the quality and its more
Thanks so much for all the efforts of the crew & everyone who turned up and took part! :)